Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Do You Know What Percentage Of You Is Muscle How To Bring Your Body Fat Percentage Down?

How to bring your body fat percentage down? - how do you know what percentage of you is muscle

I'm 16 and I weigh 129th I know I'm fat, but fat on my body, I will not. My body fat percentage is very high for someone my age. That does not bother me, my weight, my fat content only. I would like fat around the waist, hips and thighs to get rid of me. I know that you can not lose fat in one place, rather than this kind of food that I eat. Should I cut calories? What kind of sport? What makes you lose fat? Condsidered What is Healthy Eating? Protions Does it really help the court? What help can I get rid of my fat, without a large volume with the muscles? I just want to thin everywhere. I know nothing about dieting or losing weight. Please help me. haha

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